An LMI approach for reliable PTZ camera self-calibration
2009.01.16 by 양고
Pan-tilt-zoom camera calibration and high-resolution mosaic generation
2009.01.14 by 양고
Self-calibration of partially known rotations
2009.01.09 by 양고
A survey of camera self-calibration
2009.01.09 by 양고
Drift-free tracking of rigid and articulated objects
2009.01.08 by 양고
The MATRIS project: real-time markerless camera tracking for augmented reality and broadcast applications
2009.01.07 by 양고
Vista에서 읽기전용 속성으로 인한 빌드 실패
2008.12.03 by 양고
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2008.11.27 by 양고