dxtrans.h missing in Microsoft DirectX SDK (November 2007)...
2010.02.03 by 양고
[12.28-29] High-dimensional statistical distance for region-of-interest tracking: application to combining a soft geometric constraint with radiometry
2010.01.25 by 양고
[12.24] Precise registration of 3D models to images by swarming particles
2010.01.25 by 양고
[12.22-23] Real-time hybrid tracking using edge and texture information
2010.01.22 by 양고
[12.21] Combining edge and texture information for real-time accurate 3D camera tracking
2010.01.18 by 양고
[12.18] Adaptive line tracking with multiple hypotheses for augmented reality
2010.01.18 by 양고
[12.16-17] Tracking of industrial objects by using CAD models
2010.01.17 by 양고
ezplot으로 함수 그래프 그리기
2010.01.13 by 양고