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[Android] main.out.xml이 생기면서 error: Resource entry main is already defined가 발생할 때는...

개발과 트러블슈팅

by 양고 2011. 1. 25. 10:24


여기 답이 있다:

To prevent out.xml from being created.

  1. edit an XML file, a perfectly natural thing to do....

  2. save and close the XML file

  3. Open any .java file in src/

  4. Double click in the file to ensure it has focus and the cursor is in there.

  5. Run... should be OK now

If it happens, do this...

  1. edit an XML file, a perfectly natural thing to do....

  2. Run... crash due to dreaded out.xml file

  3. Delete the /res/_.out.xml file

  4. Close all files in the IDE view

  5. Project...Clean...

  6. Open any .java file in src/

  7. Double click in the file so it has focus and the cursor is in there.

  8. Run... should be OK now

Thanks Berry Wing~!

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